Unpleasant YouTube recordings ensured to give you bad dreams 5
Mother chucker
The bond between parent and kid surpasses all others in sweetness and sincerity. The notion of a mother wilfully, thrill-fully imperiling her babies shocks the conscience sort of a ethical stun baton. Presumably, Louella Gallagher banked thereon terribly reaction once she lined up her young daughters and flung knives at them.The on top of recording hails from Fifties, in line with the TX Archive. At the time, the Lone Star State was home to what is hopefully the state's lone example of a married woman chucking room daggers at youngsters. Everything concerning the scene feels off-putting, from Mama Gallagher dizzily inform a knife at the camera to the trio of cherubs shrugging off at hand cruelty. The children's unfazed faces purpose straight ahead at pointed projectiles, nearly daring them to advance. the ultimate unafraid shot chills the spine. Gallagher and her daughters jubilantly huddle around a group of blades. Even Charles Manson might need shuddered at this family.
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