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3 terrifying stories that warn of an AI apocalypse

The future of artificial intelligence could save humanity — or destroy it.
AI boasts dozens of advantages that will push society into a brighter future, like nagging you into losing weight, fighting workplace sexual harassment and gender bias and detecting if someone is at risk for suicide.
But the civilization-destroying potential of AI makes it a greater threat than a savior.
Here are five stories from 2017 that should have you ready to prep for the AI apocalypse.

1. Robots can pretend to be you

In May, the Canadian startup Lyrebird unveiled their voice-copying technology. The “Mission Impossible”-style program can learn and mimic your voice using just 60 seconds of you speaking. Placed in the wrong hands — like those of an AI overlord — the tech could easily be used against someone, to convince them to go somewhere or scam them out of money or personal property.